UNQ Gamer Biography | Wiki – Age, Family, Son, Income, Phone

Unq Gamer Biography: There is a famous dialogue in Telugu “ Punju Vachhi Pettanu Kodithey Ela Untudo Telusa”.  This dialogue became quite popular in Telugu Pubg live streaming games.  Because of him, this dialogue became to a certain extent trendy.

UNQ Gamer Biography – PUNJU

Unq Gamer’s full name is Nagaraju. He hails from Nalgonda and studied until the 4th class in Nalgonda. He moved to Hyderabad for higher studies where he finished his remaining schooling and did MBA.

He ventured into business and ran the business for five years. He was not content with his business. He wanted to do something while managing his business. He is so crazy about online games. He’s been playing games since he was a child.

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He used to play games a lot before Pubg games came to exist. He used to play Block ops3 and Battlefield games when there was less demand and interest for games in India. He did Pubg live streaming in 2018 for the first time. He struggled a lot to make a fist live streaming. He uploads Pubg games in his youtube Channel Unq Gamer in the Telugu language.

He started his own YouTube channel Unq Gaming in 2016. He initially was afraid of launching his youtube channel. He gave up his business and focused on his youtube channel. He initially used to work for 9 to 12 hours a day. He got back pain due to rigorous work. He’s been suffering from back pain, a psychiatric nerve pain, and not be able to bear the pain. This pain has annoyed him a lot. He got treatment for it. Now he is happy. He would again get pain when he does anything while sitting due to back pain. He works everything on standing. 

He always wished to give a chance to everyone as he wants to help everyone. His philosophy is to live and let others live and wish everyone to progress in their lives.  People keep asking him as to why he plays with multiple players instead of sticking to a few players. He answered that question by saying that he wanted to help everyone and wish to give an opportunity to a new player. So many people are waiting to play with him.

He somehow managed to play with everyone.  He doesn’t want to upset anyone.  He scolds the players while playing the game as a way of entertainment and encouraging opponents to play the game more interestingly. His intention behind scolding the players is to get them to indulge in a game altogether.

Though people who have played with him would make false notions about him, he never considers all their views towards him.  He already mentioned in his description in a live steaming game that he merely makes fun and doesn’t intend to hurt anybody.  He always advocates the players not to take his remarks against players very seriously as he feels the game is fun. He allows only the 18+ aged players to play the game with him. 

His dream is to get 1milllion subscribers for his YouTube channel. After hitting one million subscribers, he would reveal everything about the game and his personal details. He currently has more than 1milion subscribers for his Youtube Channel Unq Gaming. He requests the people to not harbor hatred towards others. He appeals to everyone not to make any unfair videos on anyone.

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