Tees Maar Khan Telugu OTT Release Date: For the Dussehra festival, the movie poster for Tees Maar Khan starring Aadi Sai Kumar, the son of actor Sai Kumar, was released. Kalyani Gojana is the director of this movie. She is best known for her work on the movie Natakam. There are no dates for when it will come out in theatres or on OTT services yet.
It looks like Maar Khan Tees is a movie with a lot of action. The titles of the picture captions are Student, Unruly, and Police. Aadi Saikumar is in the first look for Massive Look, which came out recently. The guns and knives behind him and the cigarettes he smokes show how strong he is. The plot has been kept secret by the people who made it.
Cast and Crew
Indian actress Payal Rajput has been working for a long time. She is the main person in the movie. The actress Poorna and the comedian Sunil both play important parts. Nagam Thirupathi Reddy helped fund this movie through Vision Cinemas. Sai Karthik is the person who wrote the music.
Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie OTT Release Date, Digital Rights and Satellite Rights
Aadi Sai Kumar seems to be a person who is strong and determined. We don’t know who else is on the cast or crew yet. Both making and finishing this movie would be done by the end of the year.
Movie Name | Tees Maar Khan |
OTT Platform | TBA |
OTT Release Date | Ready To Announce |
Theatrical Release Date | 2022 |
Director | Kalyani Gojana |
Starring | Aadi Sai kumar, Payal Rajuput,Sunil, Poorna and others |
Language | Telugu |
Film Industry | Tollywood |
Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie OTT Platform (Digital Rights)
Aadi Saikumar has a very important role in the movie. The poster mentioned above came out at the same time as the Dussehra Festival. The main female character is played by Payal Rajput. We don’t yet know when the movie will come out in theatres or how it will be shown on OTT.
Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie OTT Release Date
The producers of Tees Maar Khan haven’t said when the movie will come out or who has the rights to stream it online. The show might be done by the end of the year. The title poster says that Aadi Sai Kumar will be the strongest figure when he first appears.
Theatrical Release Date: 2022
Digital Rights: TBA
OTT Release Date: TBA
Satellite Rights: TBA
Satellite Release Date: TBA
Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie Trailer
The trailer for Tees Maar Khan has not been released yet by the people who made it.
Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie OTT: FAQ
When is Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie OTT Release Date and Time?
Not Declared, Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie makers have not yet announced.
Where can we watch Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie?/ Where Can I see Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie?
Theatres, Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie will hit the screens very soon.
Who bought Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie OTT Rights?
Not Declared, Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie makers have not divulged yet.
Is Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie hit or flop?
Not Declared, Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie has not been released so we can not say Hit or Flop
Is Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie available on Netflix?
No, Not Available on Netflix
Is Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie available on Prime Video?
No, Not Available on Prime Video
Is Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie available on Aha Video?
No, Not Available on Aha Video
Is Tees Maar Khan Telugu Movie available on Hotstar?
No, Not Available on Hotstar
What does OTT mean?
Over the Top Platform is the full form of OTT
Final Words
Tees Maar Khan is now being made with the son of actor Sai Kumar, Aadi Sai Kumar. Check our website often to find out the latest news about upcoming movies.
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